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Our story

We love baking – every year we bake Christmas stollen for a load of friends and our colleagues regularly enjoy banana bread and other baked goods. Until we got our dog Lottie though, we never baked for furry friends, and to be honest, we had never even thought about it. But when we were searching around for natural bed-time biscuits for Lottie that we would be happy for her to have, we realised that the best we could do is bake them ourselves. And so it started. 

We then started baking biscuits for Lottie’s friends and as a result are now looking to share the goodness made in our own kitchen with puppies and dogs across the UK.


Anna, Chief Biscuit Baker

Anna grew up in the Westphalian countryside and there were always dogs around, but Lottie is the first dog that she’s fully in charge of (or she of her?!). Anna is very passionate about the environment and also her dog’s welfare. However, what really drives her is inequality and social responsibility.

For this reason, she found it quite difficult to buy pet food and treats from companies that cut corners, who are more interested in profit than ingredients. To make sure that Lottie gets what she deserves, stays healthy and that her food and treats are ethically sourced, we decided to only use organic ingredients and make sure that all ingredients are responsibly sourced.

Lottie, Head of Pawduct

Lottie, or Charlotte, aka “Poppet” was born to a Working Cocker Spaniel and a Miniature Poodle in 2020. The youngest of six siblings, young Lottie moved at 8.5 weeks from Kent to London, just before Covid-Lockdown 2.0. Ever since, she’s been spoiled by us!

However, Lottie came to us with quite a nasty Giardia infection and was a little bit underweight, so nutrition was really important from a very early age. One way to help her with feeding times was to establish a good routine. So pretty much from week 1 of her living with us, she got a bedtime biscuit to help her settle at night.

We believe that she is now old enough to start earning her keep, which is why she started her position as Head of Pawduct.

If you would like to follow Lottie on Instagram, she has her own profile: @the_lottie_dog! However, all views are her own and should not be confused with those of Poppet & Floof!

As Head of Pawduct, Lottie is responsible for liaising with the product testing pack and of course for quality control. Every batch of freshly baked goods is being assessed and tested by her and can only leave the warehouse (aka Anna’s kitchen) once she gives her okay. And she promised to look after deliveries. But we’ll see about that!


The product testing pack



Adorable Cavapoo, early adotper and Head of Young Foodies, Maple knows her mind and is one of Anna and Lottie's harshest critics.



As the oldest member of the Product Testing Pack, this eight year old Cavapoochon knows what he likes and does not let puppies get in the way during testing.


Whisky dog

This very active, young Golden Retriever heads up the sport division of the company. Whisky has a soft spot for Lottie and would share his food (and even biscuits) with her!



This handsome Cockapoo is Lottie's best friend. But more importantly, he is Head of Legal, and as such currently putting together a case for free access to biscuits at any time.

And the of course …

Flynn, aka “Floof” was the softest and floofiest Golden Retriever south of the river Thames. He taught Lottie a thing or two about fetch, stealing food from picnicers on the Green and how to lounge around in the kitchen. 

Flynnie had a bit of a sensitive tummy, which is why nutrition was very important to his pawrents, Liz and Kevin. Sadly, Flynnie became very ill last winter and suddenly passed away. But he’s always in our hearts!

Leo, Flynnie’s human brother, was helped over the loss by Blaise – the cutest little Cocker Spaniel puppy. Blaise has joined the Pawduct Pack and has regular meetings with Lottie, who is teaching him the ropes.

If your dog would like to join the Pack, please get in touch!


Summer breaK!

Please note that we're closed from 1-17 July.
Orders placed during this time will be processed after 18 July.

We're back on

18 July